Book by David Gershon. Music & Lyrics by Judy Adelman Gershon.
Directed by Bryn Kennedy.
Produced by Education Arts Canada as a part of their Science Jam series of touring shows.
Chloé appears as Kiara in this brand new TYA musical. Touring for over 2 months for over 50 shows, Archimedes Moves The World is a high-energy, fun-filled musical adventure of science, fantasy and fun. Click below to listen to a few short clips from the musical featuring Chloé as Kiara and Ben Yoganathan as Archimedes.

photo by David Gershon

photo by David Gershon

photo by David Gershon

photo by David Gershon
Written and Directed by Jackson Doner.
Stage Managed by Patrick Lynn.
Produced by Dead Racoon Theatre at the 2023 Toronto Fringe Festival.
Chloé appears as Cyan, a spoken-word poetess determined to write her own narrative. Retrograde is a site-specific immersive play set in Toronto's Kensington Market and has received many accolades from major Toronto media outlets praising the production and it's performers.

THE TORONTO STAR says: "Actors Anthony Palermo, Chloé Castrucci, Hilary Wheeler and James Llewellyn Evans are all fantastic in this production." (July, 2023)
A VIEW FROM THE BOX writes: "Wheeler and Castrucci give passionate performances showing how family can be so much more than blood." (July, 2023)
ISTVAN DUGALIN (Istvan Reviews) says: "[The cast] are nuanced, persuasive and endearing. They hit emotional beats with precision while maintaining a breezy, spontaneous vibe." (July, 2023)

photo by Tara Mulcahy

photo by Full Haus Productions

photo by Full Haus Productions

photo by Tara Mulcahy
For Theatre Erindale
By Sarah DeLappe
Chloé plays the bubbly and naive #8 Defence in The Wolves-- a coming of age story that follows a competitive girls indoor soccer team as they warm up for their games.
Directed by Anita LaSelva
Stage Managed by Laura Grandfield
Set Design by Leslie Wright
Costume Design by Michelle Vanderheyden
Lighting/Video design by Mike Slater
By Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Chloé plays at Friendship as well as various other Somebody roles (including Strength) in Everybody-- a dark comedy adaptation of the 15th century morality play "Everyman".
Directed by Leah-Simon Bowen
Stage Managed by Amber Archbell
Set Design by Leslie Wright
Costume Design by Michelle Vanderheyden
Sound Design by Andrew Penner

photo by Mike Slater

photo by Mike Slater

photo by Mike Slater

photo by Mike Slater

photo by Shunsho Ando Heng

photo by Shunsho Ando Heng

photo by Shunsho Ando Heng

photo by Shunsho Ando Heng